Sunday, July 6, 2008


Yellowstone was so much fun!!

We seen so many animals it was CRAZY!

A bunch of Elk & a bunch of Buffalo

8 Black Bears (the baby was cute) &
3 Gri
zzly Bears

Squirrels & this silly Coyote was running down the side of the road then he decided to poop right in the middle of the road :) The kids thought this was so funny! Next time you see Aubrey ask her about it because she does this little laugh that is way cute.

We went to Old Faithful!

Jared wanted to go at this time of the year to see all the wild flowers and it was worth it.

We seen some amazing views!

We did this crazy hike to see this waterfall. It about kicked our butts but it was worth it!

This is what Jared looked like the whole time he had to drive while we was in the mountains. I still don't know how he can drive looking out the side window?? Tayler and Aubrey had to check out the bear trap.

These pictures turned out so cute!


Aaron and Elizabeth Jensen said...

Looks like you all had fun. Did you stay in the West Yellowstone Wyndham resort?


Jensen said...

Yah we stayed at the Wyndham resort! It was nice except for it had no air conditioning. The little town in west Yellowstone had a 4th of July celebration and we watched fireworks at the park. We had a lot of fun!